Tuesday, 9 September 2014

At what cost an inheritance?

With the continual increase in property values more and more family inheritances are being delayed in Probate.
More importantly, because of the overall increase in joint estate values it is not uncommon for Probate to be needed on both first and second death and as a result the process is fast becoming a very expensive and time consuming issue for middle England – in some cases creating a large financial burden rather than leaving a simple bequest.

On death your liability to Inheritance Tax is calculated however the overall tax due may change between the date of death and Grant of Probate because assets may increase or decrease in value.

Your Personal Representatives (PRs), who are often your beneficiaries, are responsible for settling any IHT and possibility Capital Gains Tax before they can settle your estate and HMRC would expect them to consider all assets - including their own - as a potential source from which to pay the tax. 

Often PRs do not have sufficient personal funds to pay the tax, or unencumbered property against which to secure a probate loan which often causes anxiety, stress and lengthy delays.

As a result of being your beneficiary how much of an additional financial commitment might your PRs be inheriting alongside their bequest?

It is frequently said that people are remembered for what they left, rather than for what they did.

Probate, unlike other taxes, does not have a year of assessment but can carry a very big unintentional sting in its tail that can take years to resolve.

How would you like to be remembered?

Helen Wilson

Telephone:  +44 (0)20 7893 3456
Email:  getintouch [@] broadstoneltd.co.uk

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