Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The importance of a good payroll provider

£20 notes
With the changes in pensions legislation that have occurred over the last few years, the role of the payroll provider has changed in its importance to the company pension scheme. Before they enjoyed something of a backseat role, but now they have been thrust to the forefront of a company’s dealings with its pension provider.

Automatic enrolment has added extra layers of complexity into the process of assessing eligibility, managing the membership, data, and contribution payments for pension schemes.

As with any dealings with an individual or firm, you get out what you put in and with payroll providers it is no different. Employers who bring their payroll providers in to this process early, often find that the teething issues most pension schemes encounter can be greatly reduced.
However it is not just the employer’s responsibility to bring their payroll providers in on the pensions process, it is also the responsibility of the pension providers themselves.  For some it can be as simple as inclusion on regular conference calls, and for others far more specific inclusion and training is required.
Encouraging a greater awareness of the automatic enrolment process on the part of the payroll provider should be the overriding aim of both the employer and the pension provider respectively as auto enrolment becomes more established in workplace pensions.

Robert Simmons
Corporate Pensions Administrator
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7893 3456
Email: contactus [@] broadstone.co.uk

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