The moral of this
story is: whoever you select as your ‘first port of call’, they must be a Trusted
Adviser who will co-ordinate/facilitate and bring together the most appropriate
legal, accounting and financial advice you need.
The background to
this blog began in 2004 when professional advisers ‘depolarised’ to make it
easier for clients to understand who they should turn to for specialist advice.
Regulatory bodies
have since ‘tinkered’ with these parameters, by introducing “Alternative
Business Structures” (ABS), creating a layer of uncertainty for clients.
In the commercial
world, “ABS” permits non-lawyers to work in legal practices and as such offer
the potential for clients to be benefit from a ‘one stop shop’; legal/accountants
or legal/ financial services or a mix of all three under one roof.
By way of an
example the Co-op is licensed by the Solicitors Regulatory Body to offer legal
services and it is proposed the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and
Wales (ICAEW) should be licensed to file Probate work.
As a result your
options are more diverse - but less clearly defined.
So, in order to
square the circle who should you speak to?
put our clients’ financial planning first working closely with their other
professional advisers to bring about the best results – perhaps we can help
Helen Wilson
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7893 3456
Email: getintouch [at]
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